Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A new dose of inspiration

So, saw Julie & Julia tonight and completely loved it.
It had terrific actresses, an amazing director, and great action.
And ok, the first few scenes of 1940's Paris were obviously painted backlots, but that was soon over looked.

Most importantly though, it featured two strong women, each whom decided to do something new with their lifes, which lead them to new careers and successes beyond heir wildest dreams.

It was inspiring and uplifting - the type of movie all women need in their lifes. I know there is a lot of backlash against the whole 'domestic goddess/ return to the kitchen movement' (and I'm a strong advocate against it), but I still loved this movie - because these women didn't make their way by stabbing others in the back, through sex or less than ethical means.

Instead, they decided to do what they loved. And in doing so, they not only changed their own lifes, but also brought joy into the lifes of others.

So thank you, Julie Powell and Julia Child. Thank you for being an inspiration to a woman who needs it!

And thank you M to treating me to the perfect birthday present for a woman who wishes to inspire herself & find her dream by doing what she loves in the year ahead!

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